Welcome Back Darrick!

Although Darrick worked for us back around his time at Washington State University (eek how many years ago was that!?), he started working for us again on April 3rd of this year! He of course was familiar with the office atmosphere and a lot of the employees have remained the same since his time with us, but he is now working as an associate architect. His favorite MCD moments have been any and all crabbing events we have put on in the San Juan Islands, and he loves being back at MCD because he get’s to be surrounded by great people. Around the office you may hear him referred to as Samurai, you can probably take a wild guess of which employee gave him that name. Designing is definitely his passion. We are thrilled to have Darrick back with us. His office is upstairs so be sure to stop in and say hello!

Things you may not know about Darrick:

If he wasn’t designing custom homes for us, he would probably still be designing other projects of a different scale such as furniture.

He loves furniture design and fabrication, vintage motorcycles, live music, metal and wood work, and of course architectural design.

If he won the lottery he would use his winnings to design and build a custom home for his parents.

If he could meet one person in history it would be Louis Kahn who is of course one of the United States’ greatest 20th century architects. Kahn’s projects include the Salk Institute in La Jolla California, Phillips Exeter Academy Library in New Hampshire, and the Yale University Art Gallery in New Haven, Connecticut.

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