Welcome Kathy!

Another Kathy joins MCD, so she is going by “Kathy B.” to limit confusion around the office! She has been working for MCD now for a little over 3 weeks as our newest interior designer. She loves working in the design world because it is so rewarding to take a client’s vision and create the reality. As for being rewarded, the best gift she has gotten from a client was a basket full of travel lotions and sun wear for an upcoming vacation. If she wasn’t working construction she would be doing charity work in Costa Rica, which also happens to be her favorite vacation spot. So far at MCD, her favorite moment has been with our other interior designer Emily, taping out fireplaces on site! The photo was pretty hilarious. Her hobbies include playing tennis and horseback riding, while her secret talent is closet organization. (Mine too, I feel like we will bond over this) Kate’s biggest pet peeve is related to this, in that she can’t stand hangers that get caught on each other! She should also probably be given an award for time spent on deciding what shoes to wear.

Things you may not know about Kathy:

If she could be any animal it would be an Ostrich!

If she could go back and meet anyone in history she would choose Audrey Hepburn.

Her favorite movie of all time is Love Actually.

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